Aug 15, 2016

DJ Kitty & Raymond (dual) 2016

On August 15, 2016 - I started a discussion for a one-for-one trade by mail with Jon S, and as of mid-January this is near completion.  This was an unique situation when he had sent me the DJ Kitty & Raymond dual SGA (8/21/16) in good faith early that I could help him out acquire a "bobblehead-to-be-named-later" in return.  In accepting the toy early before final agreement, this became my problem.  I can say this deal started friendly and took a turn for the contentious when Jon "Bobbles" lost his patience.  Pictured below is the toy that I had received  in great condition with original packaging received prompt and unsolicited.

Looking back I own a few mistakes and regrets in an unorthodox deal.  During a period of a few months, I had not been pro-active to communicate my challenge to wait for pricepoint drop during MLB offseason, to find a third-party trader more urgently, or to suggest an alternative target.  But more basic from the beginning, the error was not to state implicit terms.  Rather, I conveyed foolishly after suggestions that I could use my trade assets which could be deployed acquire a bobblehead-to-be-named-later, which became the easiest play for Jon to conclude that he had an agreement that BTBNL would be the Salvador Perez SGA (9/3/16).  Always ambitious to help I said I can try, but I never made any promises.  Eventually, Jon gave a petulant attitude lamenting how long he had to wait for before he received his toy, and also my perspective changed.  My biggest regret was kindly expressing to Jon that "I want to make this worth your while" in framing a deal.  I discover now this person could never merit this gesture, and I have eaten my words.  Ultimately, I found myself tied into a bad deal with additional effort of an acquisition service, so my takeaway is to learn a lesson.  When someone solicits help to seek a toy that they are troubled to find themselves, steer away.

What I have left is acrimonious feelings for a collector with a notorious reputation.  Jon has been expelled from trading communities for violating board policy and irritating several members including administrators of "Bobblehead Addicts" and "Wobblin Heads".  After my interaction, I have a new understanding.  Ultimately, I only have myself to blame in choosing to correspond and conduct two deals with Jon, but my solace is that I was able to overcome my own ignorance and challenges to satisfy his expectation.  I take a lot of pride and enjoyment making transactions and building relationships.  This is not one of these stories.

This is 2nd deal we made together, previous was also colorful interaction with "Jonny Drama".  (#1)

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